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Fire Webinar | Fire in Human Landscape

24 Feb 2022, 09:00 (CET)

WUI, Risk Assessments, Landscape Ecology, Smoke Pollution, Fuel Treatment, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Fuels, Structure Fire
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Fire Webinar

Fire in Human Landscape

While trends in fire occurrence vary across the globe, researchers and managers are increasingly identifying the importance of understanding the interactions between landscape fire and human land use. Humans come in into contact with landscape fire in the densely settled and expanding wildland–urban interface (WUI), as well as in less-populated but modified agricultural and pastoral areas. The human impact in fire occurrence in these zones is complicated; there is the potential for greater ignitions, either accidental or deliberate, but also increased suppression, and the opportunity for fuel treatment and other vegetation and landscape planning activities to moderate fire occurrence and severity

In recent years, significant fires in a number of countries (for example, Australia, the United States of America, Greece and Chile) have impacted human lives, property, and infrastructure in human-modified landscapes. These events have drawn global attention to the interaction of landscape fire with human settlements and have provided novel research opportunities.

In this webinar we present research from three recent papers providing insights into the drivers and impacts of fire in human landscapes. Associate Professor Owen Price, from the University of Wollongong will discuss factors determining house loss associated with two wildfires in eastern Australia, and his findings on the importance of householder preparation and active defence. Dr Natalia Flores Quiroz from Stellenbosch University will present research on fires in informal settlements in South Africa and the similarity of their behaviour to wildfires. Finally, Professor Noam Levin from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem will present results from a satellite-based analysis of the drivers of Australia’s Black Summer fires, and conclusions regarding management actions that can reduce fire risk to communities.

We invite researchers and practitioners involved in studying and managing fire and its interaction with human settlements to join this webinar and discussion

Date: 24 February 2022

Time: 9:00am CET | 3:00am EST | 4:00pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 851 9352 1676

Webinar Secretariat:


School of Biological Sciences, University of Tasmania, Australia

Dr Grant Williamson is a landscape ecologist and spatial scientist, whose research has focused on the climatic and human drivers of wildfires and fire danger across Australia, the dynamics and human health impact of smoke wildfires and prescribed fires on human health, and the application of novel geospatial methodologies to fire analysis. Grant is currently a work package leader with the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub, and a affiliate with the Centre for Air Quality & Health Research and Evaluation (CAR-CRE).

Invited Speakers

Department of Geography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Israel

Noam Levin is a Professor and Head of the Remote Sensing Lab since 2008. Noam’s current research focuses on remote sensing of night lights as indicators of human activity, wildfires, conservation planning over spatial scales from local to global, landscape ecology, historical geography and aeolian processes. Noam has a great interest in maps, and in exploring new methods to analyze spatial information, from historical maps, GIS layers, aerial photographs and satellite images. He is an international PI at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED).

NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia

Owen conducts research on bushfire risk. This includes impacts on human health (smoke), assets (houses), and environmental values (fauna and flora). The methods involve a range of field work (e.g. monitoring reptiles or smoke), data management (including advanced Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing) and statistical modelling. The approach is a landscape one: understanding how risk varies across large areas.

Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Currently pursuing a PhD at the Fire Engineering Research Unit, Stellenbosch University. Her current project is 'The development and application of forensic investigation procedures for informal settlement fires.

Webinar Content

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Time in CET

Dr. Grant Williamson

Introduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Fire in Human Landscapes


Prof. Dr. Noam Levin

Unveiling the Factors Responsible for Australia’s Black Summer Fires of 2019/2020


Dr. Natalia Flores Quiroz

Towards Understanding Fire Causes in Informal Settlements Based on Inhabitant Risk Perception


Dr. Owen Price

Comprehensive Examination of the Determinants of Damage to Houses in Two Wildfires in Eastern Australia in 2013


Q&A Session


Closing of Webinar
Dr. Grant Williamson


Relevant SI

Fire in Human Landscape
Guest Editor: Dr. Grant Williamson
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 21 February 2022

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